The Pentagon and Veterans who served in Afghanistan are warning of global terrorist threats
The Taliban is an ultra-fundamentalist Islamist militant group that controlled most of Afghanistan during the ’90s. Afghanistan used to be relatively well-off and progressive, but this country has known nothing but war for the past four decades.
Another 9/11 attack looms
On September 11, 2001, the Islamic extremist group Al Qaeda, carried out the 9/11 attacks in the United States. The group was based in Afghanistan and refused to hand over Al-Qaeda’s leadership, so they invaded.
By the end of 2001, the United States had taken control and restored some form of peace and democracy. The Taliban offered the United States Government a ceasefire agreement in 2001, but the Government rejected it.
Former United States President Donald Trump signed a deal with the Taliban, agreeing that all troops will be removed in 2021. In exchange, the militant organisation would stop being friends with terrorist groups, and generally reduce violence.
Twenty years later, and the very real terrorist threat has returned.
Pentagon officials raise concerns
American Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is expressing doubt that the U.S. can keep terrorists from reemerging in Afghanistan without troops on the ground.
“It would be very very difficult to do that from a distance in Afghanistan,”
“There were suggestions we’d provide airpower, but airpower would have to be located six or seven hours away and at this point, there isn’t an Afghan army to push back against the Taliban. The Taliban appear to me to be totally in control of the country.”
Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader
United States Senator, Lindsey Graham is also expressing his concern about the drawdown of U.S. troops. He says this has “created the conditions for another 9/11.”
“Without the Taliban, there would have been no 9/11. The Taliban are radical terrorists, they’re Islamic jihadists aligned with al Qaeda — it’s just a matter of time before al Qaeda rises again in Afghanistan,” Graham said. “The threat to the homeland has gone through the roof.”
Lindsey Graham, United States Senator
Veterans fear a worsening terror threat
A recent United Nations report found has found that Al Qaeda is present in fifteen Afghan areas. Despite the Taliban’s peace pledge in 2020, many Veterans who served in Afghanistan fear more terrorist attacks.
United States Army Veteran, Rod Rodriguez served many years in Afghanistan. He says there is now an imminent risk to the world. He insists there is a risk of potential terror attacks and the Taliban cannot be trusted.
Eric Mitchell is a Marine Corps Veteran and served many missions in Afghanistan. Mitchell is concerned about what the Taliban will do with their weapons and power.
Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban has just made terrorism a real threat, again.