Rockstar Games surprises fans with an early release of the Grand Theft Auto VI trailer following an online leak. In a stunning reveal, the highly...
In a recent announcement, the head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, confirmed that the news amidst the $68.7 billion acquisition of the renowned game development company by...
While Twitch streamers go dark in protest of hate-raids on the platform, it’s a symptom of a larger issue within internet culture Recently streamers have been...
Twitch takes on Facebook’s streaming platform, boasting increased popularity and engagement Although Facebook has taken the lead when it comes to social media, they have Twitch...
Gaming streams prove popular this week as the E3 Expo approaches a slew of anticipated games look ready to shock and surprise fans! Far Cry 6...
Twitch was in hot water this week over the rise of the “hot tub streamer”… The online streaming service backpaddling its decision to block ad revenue...
Sony Interactive Entertainment is looking to add some crypto gaming tech to their home consoles. WATCH MORE: Ticker Gaming So what could this mean for the...
Twitch streaming is redefining entertainment…especially In the gaming space. As the platform grows more and more people are signing up to watch and create engaging content....
With games like The Walking Dead, Detroit: Become Human and Until Dawn making waves in story focused gaming! Gaming host Mike Loder and freelance gaming writer...
This week on Ticker Gaming, We look back at Nintendo’s humble beginnings from their early production of Hanafuda cards in the 1970s they have come a...
Grab a controller and get those headphones on as we plug in and play! Video games and entertainment have come a long way… and keeping a...