
Romanian president nominates new Prime Minister



A week ago the country was in chaos after toppling the minority government

Romania is set to have a new Prime Minister, with the current president nominating a European Union veteran for the position.

The proposed leader served as prime minister of Romania between 2015 and 2017 and is a former EU agriculture commissioner.

This comes after a no-confidence vote ousted the former 9 month-long PM for allegedly having a “dictatorial attitude”, plunging the country into political turmoil.

The former PM’s reformist Save Romania Union withdrew its ministers to evade a parliamentary majority, and filed a no-confidence motion, agreeing to return to government only once the PM was removed.

For the new position to be confirmed, a majority in parliament will need to support the move.

The PM candidate says “our goal is to pull Romania out of crisis and for this we need a lot of responsibility from all political forces”.

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