
German police not “extras for Greta Thunberg”



German police aren’t happy they’re being called “extras for Greta Thunberg”, slamming claims they staged her detainment

Thunberg has been detained by police at a protest outside a western German village.

A viral post falsely claimed the climate activist being held by police was “all set up for the cameras”.

People online said the footage that has racked up millions of views shows “a PR opportunity”.

Thunberg was protesting with activists who are trying to stop an abandoned village from being demolished for the expansion of a coal mine.

Police told media the young climate campaigner was not arrested and would be released after they checked her ID.

A journalist from a German news outlet who was there at the time, said the police officers “were deciding how they would proceed with the identity check and waiting to take Greta to the police vehicle.”

Thunberg is a usual target of conspiracy theories and false claims online, often by those who deny the existence of man-made climate change.

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