
Earning cash and keeping it



Understanding what we gain by learning risk and seeking reward

It’s no secret that what goes up must come down. Dr Steve Enticott outlines how Investment booms eventually come to an end, and those who have not diversified their portfolios are at risk of losing everything. He stressed the importance of moving into a fear mindset and diversifying investments across multiple asset classes to protect oneself against market downturns.

One way to achieve this is by putting money into structures like retirement funds or family trusts, which offer some protection against market fluctuations. Dr. Enticott also encouraged investors to be mindful of their psychology and not let fear and greed dictate their investment decisions.

In conclusion, while taking risks and being optimistic can lead to success, it is equally important to be mindful of market fluctuations and diversify investments to protect against potential losses.

Money Matters is presented by CIA tax

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