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Crypto knee jerks over sustainability concerns



The popularity of crypto platforms has seen a meteoric rise in recent years…

But as more interest is generated concerns over sustainability have surfaced after Tesla CEO Elon Musk spoke about his issue with the future of crypto.

Turns out that one dollar’s worth of bitcoin can take 17 megajoules of energy, more than double the amount of energy it took to mine one dollar’s worth of copper, gold or platinum. The computer power required to mine Bitcoin quadrupled in 2019 compared with the year before, and that crypto mining can also influence prices in power and utility markets around the world.

Arguments about the reality behind crypto’s energy expenditure have been scrutinized in the past, but with today’s statements it is hard to question the consumption levels and management moving forward.

Bitcoin’s energy-intensive consensus protocols work to maintain a level of integrity and security that of course requires a lot of energy to maintain. If these protocols were compromised then the network may be easily attacked…Needless to say questions surrounding the balance of integrity and sustainability have been brought to the surface of crypto discussions worldwide and the stock sees a nosedive in value.


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