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The Rise of Lightweight eCommerce



Small businesses feel the pressure as interest rates and cost-of-living expenses rise

The environment is becoming increasingly unpredictable, making it challenging for small businesses to thrive. However, there is a silver lining in the form of eCommerce, which is experiencing significant growth in one particular segment: lightweight items like socks.

Andres Herrero of the Sydney Sock Project explains how the business has been able to grow alongside Sendle and the power of ShipStation’s automated delivery solutions, saving money and time.

Founder and CEO of Sendle, James Chin Moody shares how their team is placed to assist small business with unique and affordable packaging options. Sendle is keeping delivery efficient whilst remaining sustainable as their customers have come to expect, despite the gloomy economic conditions.

With interest rates and inflationary pressures on the rise, small businesses are being squeezed from all sides. This unpredictable environment has made it challenging for small business owners to make long-term plans and investments. However, one area that is experiencing significant growth is eCommerce, particularly in the lightweight items segment.

Sophia Pope from ShipStation outlines the several reasons why these lightweight products are experiencing such significant growth. Firstly, the pandemic of course accelerated a shift to online shopping, as consumers look for more convenient ways to shop.

With many brick-and-mortar stores closing their doors, eCommerce has become the go-to shopping destination for many consumers. This trend is expected to continue in 2023 and beyond, making eCommerce a critical channel for small businesses to reach customers.

Small Business Insight is sponsored by Sendle find out more about how your business can get involved with their sustainable shipping solutions

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Trump and Biden agree to a double debate showdown



Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden have agreed to participate in two debates in June and September.

On this episode of Ticker Hot Shots – Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden agree to a double debate, Trump backs AUKUS, MacDonalds creates a price friendly meal and Prince Harry faces the financial music. #featured #trending #hotshots

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Is cloud technology the solution for every organisation’s needs?



Amidst the dominance of cloud technologies in the tech landscape, questions are rising over applicability and its cost implications.

As businesses increasingly migrate to cloud technologies, skepticism is brewing over whether it’s the optimal solution for every organisational need.

Additionally, the notion of “free” cloud services is being challenged, highlighting the importance of understanding the true costs and benefits associated with cloud adoption.

Harsha Patil, Engineering manager, California USA shares his key insights on the cloud conundrum. #featured

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What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?



Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, and time-restricted feeding, where eating is restricted to certain hours of the day.

Intermittent fasting has proved to be more sustainable for some participants, leading to better adherence and overall success in shedding excess weight.

Kate Save from BeFitFood joins to discuss the potential benefits of intermittent fasting. #featured #trending

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