
The nation on the edge of another covid crisis



Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel warns her country is on the edge of yet another deadly Covid surge as leaders prepare to meet for crisis talks

Daily infections hit record levels this week, with over 52-thousand new cases reported on Wednesday.

The situation is the same in most other countries right across Europe… as authorities try to increase vaccine uptake.

Vaccination rates across the continent vary, with Slovakia the worst-ranking at 44 percent, the Czech Republic at 58 percent, Austria at 65 percent and Germany at 68 percent.

Almost all major nations within the E-U are now moving to mandate vaccines for certain environments, with the Slovak, Czech and Swedish governments just a few of those that are cracking down.

Although Germany’s death toll is still far lower than the UK’s, there have been 294 deaths over the past 24 hours – and Merkle says intensive care beds in hospitals are nearing capacity.

The political situation in Germany is also making the situation more complicated, with the Merkel government set to be replaced by a coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and pro-business liberals who are planning to present new Covid measures to parliament.

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