
Scarlett Johansson sues AI voice cloning advertising



Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson has filed a lawsuit against an AI-powered advertising agency for unauthorised use of her voice.

The legal action comes after the agency employed artificial intelligence to clone her distinctive voice in a recent advertisement without her consent.

Johansson’s legal team claims that this blatant voice cloning not only infringes upon her intellectual property rights but also raises concerns about the potential misuse of AI technology. The lawsuit aims to address these violations and establish a precedent for protecting celebrities’ voices from unauthorized replication.

The controversial AI ad campaign featured the actress endorsing a product she had never promoted, causing confusion and potentially damaging her reputation. Johansson is seeking substantial damages, as well as an injunction to prevent any further dissemination of the infringing material.

The case has ignited a broader debate about the ethical use of AI in advertising and the need for robust regulations to safeguard individuals’ voices and likenesses in the digital age.

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