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Pour Decisions: Microbes on Tap



Healthy microbes are crucial for maintaining optimal digestion and supporting immune function.

What affect does drinking have on our body and mind?

Ticker Original ‘Pour Decisions’ explores the gut-wrenching truth behind alcohol, microbiota, and addiction.

Through detailed research and special interview with Kate Save (BeFitFood), discover how what we drink not only affects our taste buds but also the trillions of microbes residing within us.

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Connection over commerce: specialists review how social media is changing how we live online



As we navigate this digital landscape, we must consider: has social media brought us closer together or driven us apart?

On the marketing front, social media has revolutionised how businesses reach their audience, offering unprecedented targeting and engagement opportunities.

In Ticker Original Documentary ‘ Have the Socials Lost their Shine’, Natalie Giddings, COO of Hoozu, shines a light on the state of social media in today’s 24/7 digital world.

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Big tech struggle to balance AI innovation with ethical responsibility



Can big tech effectively balance the rapid advancements in AI with the need for ethical oversight?

As AI rapidly advances, can we trust big tech like Meta & Google to use this technology ethically and responsibly?

Ticker Original Documentary ‘Trust Decoded: An Artificial Future’ explores the complex interplay between trust and artificial intelligence, exploring its influence on social media algorithms, privacy concerns, healthcare advancements, and business optimisation.

Featuring expert analysis from Dr. Karen Sutherland from the University of the Sunshine Coast, and Tom Finnigan from, this documentary looks into today’s digital world to find out what might await us in the high-tech future. #featured #documentary

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Pay rise beats perks in the ultimate workplace showdown



In the face of rising cost of living pressures, what is more valuable in today’s age: work perks or a pay rise?

With inflation hitting households hard, many employees are now faced with a crucial decision: should they prioritise a higher salary or enhanced workplace perks?

Ticker Original ‘The Perks Won’t Work?’ dives deep into this big financial question.

Featuring expert analysis from Laetitia Andrac (Essential Shift) & Jess Amir (MooMoo), ‘The Perks Won’t Work?’ offers insights into what is truly more valuable in today’s fast-paced workplace. #featured

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