
Justice department special counsel blames Biden’s forgetfulness



The Justice Department’s special counsel, Robert Hur, has stirred debate by refraining from prosecuting President Joe Biden for mishandling classified information, citing concerns about the president’s forgetfulness.

The investigation, initially tasked with examining Biden’s handling of classified documents, has now veered towards defending his actions, despite evidence suggesting violations of the law.

Hur’s stance has sparked criticism, with many questioning whether cognitive challenges are now serving as a legal shield for high-ranking officials.

Classified docs

Hur’s executive summary revealed damning evidence, indicating that Biden had willfully retained and disclosed classified materials, including documents on military and foreign policy in Afghanistan.

These materials were found in various locations, including Biden’s Delaware home, where FBI agents recovered them from the garage, offices, and basement den.

Moreover, recordings of Biden’s conversations with a ghostwriter in 2017 provided further incriminating evidence.

However, Hur opted to present a forgetfulness defense, suggesting that Biden’s memory limitations could persuade jurors to view his actions as innocent mistakes rather than willful violations of the law.

Stored mistakenly

The report also entertained the possibility that the classified documents found in Biden’s possession may have been stored mistakenly without his knowledge. Such excuses, critics argue, undermine the integrity of the legal process and raise concerns about accountability for those in positions of power.

Despite the mounting evidence, Hur’s reluctance to prosecute Biden has left many puzzled.

The decision not to pursue charges against the president has raised questions about the impartiality of the investigation and fueled speculation about the extent of political influence within the Justice Department.

As the debate rages on, concerns persist about the implications of Biden’s apparent immunity to legal repercussions.

With the credibility of the Justice Department at stake, calls for transparency and accountability continue to grow louder, underscoring the need for a thorough and unbiased examination of the facts.

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