
How to maintain growth in 2024?



Organisations are navigating economic uncertainties by embracing resilience over stability.

In the current economic climate, businesses around the world are scrambling to maintain stability to keep their existing customers and maintain growth.

Customer retention and investor confidence have traditionally been tied to stability, but a growing awareness of the negatives of complacency is prompting a shift in mindset.

Organisations are now turning to the concept of business resilience as a key strategy for growth.

Business resilience encompasses the ability to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptions, making it a vital component in navigating today’s economic landscape.

The adaptability, risk management, and resource flexibility inherent in a resilient organisation are proving to be essential for businesses looking to tackle the ever-evolving economic world.

Continuous learning and collaboration are becoming core elements of organisational resilience, ensuring companies navigate challenges and emerge stronger and more adaptable.

Noel Allnutt, CEO at Sekuro, shares his key insights on how business resilience can be maintained in 2024 and beyond.

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