
Green tech shifts as we adapt to new climate



As extreme weather events intensify, we are confronted with the urgent need to adapt to a changing climate. The key to this transformation lies in greener technology and sustainable practices, and it raises important questions.

In our journey towards a more sustainable future, the connection between environmental activism and responsible consumerism plays a pivotal role. Activists work tirelessly to raise awareness and inspire consumers to demand eco-friendly products, thereby compelling companies to adopt greener practices. Simultaneously, carbon credits and taxes are crucial instruments in our battle against emissions, motivating individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and champion cleaner technologies.

Crucially, adopting green technology doesn’t necessitate sacrificing our comforts. It merely calls for a change in perspective, the embrace of eco-friendly choices, and a commitment to innovation while preserving our way of life. Looking ahead, we envision a world in five years with widespread adoption of renewable energy, electric transportation, and green infrastructure.

With global cooperation and a commitment to sustainability, a brighter, more environmentally conscious future is well within our reach. Embracing green technology and sustainable living paves the way for a more resilient world, where the choices we make today can shape a better tomorrow for all.

Tanya Ha joined Ticker’s Mike Loder to discuss how we will adapt to the changes in our environment, ahead of the latest episode of The Great Transformation.

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