
Former VP Pence pulls out of race, Trump still leads



Former US Vice President, Mike Pence, has officially announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, sending shockwaves through the political landscape.

Pence, a prominent figure in the Republican Party, cited personal reasons and a desire to spend more time with his family as the primary factors behind his decision.

Pence’s decision comes after months of speculation about his potential candidacy and his position on key issues such as the economy, healthcare, and immigration. His exit from the race leaves the Republican field wide open, with several other prominent figures vying for the party’s nomination.

This unexpected move raises questions about the future of the GOP and the dynamics of the 2024 presidential election. Will Pence’s departure create a power vacuum within the party? Who will emerge as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination? How will this affect the Democratic Party’s strategy for the upcoming election? What role will Pence play in supporting the eventual Republican nominee? What issues will take center stage in the absence of Pence’s candidacy?

Mike Pence’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race has reshaped the political landscape, leaving many questions about the future of American politics unanswered.

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