In a café nestled in the bustling city of Xian, freelance copywriter Chai Wanrou, 28, shares her views on marriage with conviction. She’s among a growing...
Pop superstar Taylor Swift has found herself at the center of an international trade dispute following exclusive concert arrangements in Singapore. The controversy has ignited discussions...
Bitcoin surged to new heights on Monday, inching ever closer to its all-time high as the cryptocurrency market continued its bullish momentum following a weekend pause....
As the cost of living continues to rise, a staggering 64% of Australians are voicing their concern over the amount of tax they pay annually, according...
What to expect on. a global scale as investors brace for key U.S. employment figures. Investors and economists are eagerly awaiting the release of the latest...
What have investors learned as ASX 200 wraps up reporting season? As the ASX 200 reporting season draws to a close, market participants are analyzing the...
The Nasdaq achieved a record-breaking close, surpassing its previous record high of 16,057.44, which was established on November 21, 2021. Artificial assistance Artificial intelligence-related technology stocks,...
India’s top conglomerate Reliance Industries and Walt Disney announced the merger of their India TV and streaming media assets, forming an $8.5 billion entertainment juggernaut. Reliance,...
One of New Zealand’s two free-to-air television networks claimed it will be shutting down all newsroom operations, television news broadcasts and website from June 30, with...
A growing number of restaurants across the U.S have quietly adopted surge pricing strategies, reaping substantial profits from the controversial practice. Among those implementing fluctuating menu...
In an era marked by sky-high housing costs, many members of Generation Z are refusing to leave home. While this arrangement offers financial relief in the...
Activist investor Blackwells has called upon Disney to implement a robust artificial intelligence strategy aimed at bolstering the company’s shares. “Disney must produce an artificial intelligence...
Ryanair, one of Europe’s leading low-cost airlines, is grappling with the possibility of scaling back its summer flight schedule due to ongoing delays in the delivery...
The unveiling of gender pay gaps within large Australian organisations marks a significant milestone for gender equality, but experts emphasise the urgent need for greater accountability...
Young employees are increasingly opting to take “mental health days” off work, citing rising levels of common mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. A report...