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Britney Spears reveals abortion during Justin Timberlake relationship



In a recent interview, Britney Spears opened up about a deeply personal and sensitive aspect of her past relationship with fellow pop star Justin Timberlake.

Spears revealed that she had undergone an abortion while dating Timberlake in the early 2000s.

During the interview, Spears discussed her life under the conservatorship, but it was her candid revelation about her past that caught the attention of the public.

She spoke about the difficult decisions she had to make during her high-profile relationship with Timberlake, which began in the late 1990s and ended in 2002.

Spears described the abortion as a challenging and emotional experience, expressing regret for not having had the chance to become a mother during that time.

She explained that the pressures of their careers and the intense media scrutiny surrounding their relationship led to the difficult decision.

This revelation has sparked discussions about the impact of fame and the lack of privacy for celebrities.

It also sheds light on the challenges faced by women in the entertainment industry who grapple with personal decisions under the spotlight.

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Portal between countries shut down after international flashing



An international video portal has been forced to shut down after an OnlyFans model reportedly flashed passersby from across the globe.

On this episode of Ahron and Mike Live – Which would you prefer; pay rise or work perks, an international portal closes, the military reveal a submarine stingray and are you on a top or bottom burger bun?

Ticker’s Ahron Young & Mike Loder discuss. #featured #trending

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Trump and Biden agree to a double debate showdown



Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden have agreed to participate in two debates in June and September.

On this episode of Ticker Hot Shots – Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden agree to a double debate, Trump backs AUKUS, MacDonalds creates a price friendly meal and Prince Harry faces the financial music. #featured #trending #hotshots

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Is cloud technology the solution for every organisation’s needs?



Amidst the dominance of cloud technologies in the tech landscape, questions are rising over applicability and its cost implications.

As businesses increasingly migrate to cloud technologies, skepticism is brewing over whether it’s the optimal solution for every organisational need.

Additionally, the notion of “free” cloud services is being challenged, highlighting the importance of understanding the true costs and benefits associated with cloud adoption.

Harsha Patil, Engineering manager, California USA shares his key insights on the cloud conundrum. #featured

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