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Breaking the cycle of youth disadvantage



Transformative programs for disadvantaged young people making strides in local communities

Transformative programs for disadvantaged young people play a crucial role in local communities by providing opportunities for personal growth and development. They offer a path out of the cycle of disadvantage, helping these youth build better futures for themselves.

Addressing the unique needs of vulnerable young individuals, these programs contribute to stronger, more resilient communities, reducing long-term societal challenges and fostering a brighter outlook for the next generation.

Whitelion, a dedicated non-profit organisation, is on a mission to break the cycle of disadvantage among young people aged 10-24. Their impactful work includes a variety of transformative programs and mentorships, making a positive change in the lives of those they serve.

Lara Jerrand, the National Practice and Research Lead, and Callista Keenan, a young beneficiary turned Chair of Whitelion’s youth council, joined Ticker’s Mike Loder to discuss the organisation’s programs. Whitelion’s innovative initiatives are creating pathways for young people to overcome adversity and build a brighter future. With passionate individuals like Lara and Callista at the helm, Whitelion continues to inspire and empower youth across the nation.

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Experts provide strategies to drive equity forward in education



How can we ensure inclusivity, diversity and equity in schools and society?

Education has come such a long way. Join Greg Campitelli for this in-depth program about the future of the education industry.

Beyond Education, together with Enquiry Tracker.

In this episode, Greg is joined by Sheetal Deo from Diversity Council Australia. #beyond education

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Harris takes aim at Trump, links him to Project 2025



Kamala Harris, in her inaugural presidential campaign rally, launched a scathing critique linking former President Donald Trump to Project 2025.

As Kamala Harris kicks off her campaign for the Presidential election, she’s taken aim at Donald Trump and the so called Project 2025.

The Vice President told a crowd in Indianapolis that Project 2025 aims to “take us backward.” #featured #trending

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Netanyahu calls for support and sketches outline for post-war Gaza



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress, delivering a passionate speech urging American leaders to send weapons faster to Israel so he can end the war.

Netanyahu explained the urgency of countering Iran, portraying it as a grave threat not only to Israel but to global security.

He criticised ongoing negotiations and called on the United States to hand over weapons faster, so he could end the war in Gaza.

Ticker’s Ahron Young covers the latest. #featured #trending

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