
Behaviour over brains as people rethink relation to cash



Many people aspire to be rich, but few understand the mindset required to achieve that goal.

Contrary to popular belief, becoming rich does not necessarily require exceptional intelligence or skill. Instead, it is a matter of adopting the right habits and thought patterns.

To start thinking rich, one must first understand the simple formula for creating wealth: create a surplus and then invest it. This means living below your means and consistently putting aside money that can be used for investments. It does not matter how much you earn; what matters is that you have a surplus to invest.

Creating a surplus requires discipline and a mastery of thrift. This means being mindful of your spending and prioritizing saving and investing over unnecessary purchases. By adopting a frugal lifestyle, you can create a surplus that can be invested for long-term wealth.

Dr. Steven Enticott provides insight into how to maximise our money mindsets and understand what we need to do next.

Money Matters is presented by CIA tax

Learn more  https://ciatax.com.au/

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