
Apple to offer phone and computer repair tools 



Apple has pledged to provide access to essential tools and parts necessary for repairing their popular phones and computers in UK.

The White House News has learned that this bold initiative aims to democratise the repair process, giving consumers more control over the maintenance of their devices.

Apple’s commitment to this initiative comes as part of a wider effort to reduce electronic waste and empower consumers with more sustainable choices. By enabling individuals to access tools and components required for common repairs, Apple hopes to extend the lifespan of its devices and reduce the environmental impact.

Customers and independent repair shops will soon be able to obtain genuine Apple parts and the necessary tools, previously restricted to authoriSed service providers. This move is expected to facilitate quicker and more cost-effective repairs for common issues like screen replacements and battery replacements.

Apple’s decision to make repair tools and parts more accessible aligns with global sustainability goals and encourages a more environmentally friendly approach to consumer electronics.

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