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Data hoarding costing millions



Are you guilty of data hoarding?

The Tech Edge is a captivating business IT talk show delving into the latest industry trends and their significance in today’s landscape.

On this episode, AvePoint’s Director of Information Management, Alyssa Blackburn is joined by Loryan Strant, Solution Specialist at Rapid Circle.

Loryan Strant is an independent consultant who brings over 25 years of IT experience to his clients.

With the goal of helping people work better together through technology, Loryan opens his clients’ eyes to things they have never thought of before. Whether it’s an IT professional hoping to acquire knowledge around the business and human side of technology, or an end-user aiming to gain growth on product technology and governance, Loryan offers the ability to answer any question asked with deep, technological knowledge and thorough, practical examples. #tech edge

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Is EOFY worth the hype?



Is it worth it for e-commerce brands to participate in end of financial year sales?

Ecomm Insider is an insightful talk show that explores the fast changing world of e-commerce and trends for the next generation of marketers.

Hosted by the CEO and Founder of MADE. Marketing, Madelene Ragno unveils creative strategies to give your brand cut through. #ecomm insider

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Discount offering: cheap or strategic?



How can brands utilise discount incentives to maximise profit?

Ecomm Insider is an insightful talk show that explores the fast changing world of e-commerce and trends for the next generation of marketers.

Hosted by the CEO and Founder of MADE. Marketing, Madelene Ragno weighs the pros and cons of utilising discounts in ecommerce. #ecomm insider

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Email marketing struggles with algorithm



Will your email marketing survive Google and Yahoo’s new algorithm update?

Ecomm Insider is an insightful talk show that explores the fast changing world of e-commerce and trends for the next generation of marketers.

Hosted by the CEO and Founder of MADE. Marketing, Madelene Ragno provides innovative strategies to maximise your email marketing game.

#ecomm insider

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