
Ukraine war: If Putin engages in nuclear, he is signing his own ‘suicide note’



As the Ukraine war lingers on, Ukraine’s military advances are the main focus

UKRAINE WAR – Putin’s inability to align his desired political outcomes with the capacity of his military on the frontline in Ukraine, is more obvious than ever.

Russia no longer has control of any of the provinces it claimed to have “annexed” recently, in fact, it’s quite the opposite on the ground.

The will and determination of the Ukrainian people has been unwavering, despite the atrocities cast upon them by Russia.

Now, Putin’s strategy is flawed. Russia’s losses on the ground are a demonstration of Putin’s inability to match his desired political goals with the capability of his military forces.

So what does the future of the war actually look like from this point forward?

Ticker News spoke with War Correspondent Misha Zelinsky who is on the ground in Kyiv, Ukraine.

He gave a full analysis about the mood in Ukraine, Putin’s next moves and the future strategy of the war.

The mood in Ukraine

Zelinsky spent a lot of time in Ukraine at the beginning of the war and at that point in time, it was a very different war.

In February 2022, Ukraine was fighting Russian intruders without warning and defending their territory, while trying to comprehend why.

Ukrainian towns destroyed at beginning of war
Photo credit: ABC

Now, the Ukraine and its military are in a very different, more well-equiped position to defend their homeland and defeat Russian forces.

Ukraine’s advances on the ground give a more accurate picture of reality, in comparison to any empty unauthorised claim by Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Zelinksy explained the mood on the ground in Ukraine right now is “one of confidence.”

“The city is alive and buzzing, but there is a lot of sadness… I was speaking with someone who said their Facebook feed reads like an obituary.”

Misha zelinsky, war correspondent

Will Putin resort to nuclear?

The Russian military have recently been humiliated and forced to retreat from several key Ukrainian areas. However, the threat of Nuclear remains are very real one.

Russia are not achieving what Putin wants them too. Leaving many concerned about what Putin will do when backed into a corner.

Many believe Putin is making decisions from a desperate, dangerous and unpredictable place.

“Putin is a reckless gambler.”

misha zelinsky, war correspondent

However, if Putin was to resort to nuclear, how capable is the United States military to detect and respond to this?

The United States warned of “catastrophic consequences” if Moscow were to resort to nuclear warfare.

Zelinsky explained that while Putin’s threats of resorting to nuclear must be taken seriously, he warned that global leaders must not be bullied by the Russian leader.

He said the U.S. have thorough plans in place regarding the threat of nuclear, and that if Putin was to engage in nuclear warfare he would be “signing his own suicide note.”

“I don’t think NATO membership is on the table right now…The United State says ‘not now’… But if Putin continues to escalate other things could come into capacity.”

misha zelinsky, war correspondent

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