
Twitter is losing its tweeters



Research shows Twitter is struggling to keep their most active users

Social media platform, Twitter is battling to keep their most valuable asset…active users.

According to an internal research document titled ‘Where Did the Tweeters Go?’, so called heavy tweeters have been in “absolute decline” since the start of the pandemic.

In the document, a heavy tweeter is describes as someone who logs into Twitter six or seven days a week, and tweets around three to four times a week.

Heavy tweeters may only account for less than 10 per cent of overall monthly users, but they generate 90 per cent of all tweets, and half of global global revenue.

It raises a question tweeted by Elon Musk five days before announcing his offer to buy the company where he asked “is Twitter dying?”

It comes as Elon Musk approaches his deadline to complete his $44 billion deal to takeover the company.

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