
Jan 6 riot – U.S judge rules probe



US judge has ruled that the congressional committee probing the January 6 capitol attack can access some of Trump’s White house records

The committee has rejected the argument made by Trump’s lawyers that telephone records, visitor logs and other documents should be hidden.

This follows the house select committee issuing subpoenas to 10 Trump administration officials just earlier today.

Former senior adviser and press secretary are two of the recipients, with the inquiry expanding to determine what Donald Trump’s involvement was in the attack.

The select committee believes the Trump officials “have relevant information” that could reveal whether anyone outside of the White House was involved in election tampering.

With depositions are scheduled throughout December, the new subpoenas are an effort to reach more senior leadership within the White House during Trump’s presidency.

The chairman says his panel “wants to learn every detail of what went on in the White House on January 6th and in the days beforehand.”

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