
Indonesia slams 2030 deforestation plan



Indonesia’s environment minister has called out pledges made at the COP-26 climate summit to end deforestation by 2030

The minister says the country “can’t promise what it can’t do”… and says the 2030 goal is “clearly inappropriate and unfair”.

This follows Indonesia’s President Yoko Wi-do-do signing the forest deal… agreed upon by a total of 100 world leaders at the Glasgow summit.

The pledge was the event’s first major announcement, and will see deforestation brought to a halt and reversed by 2030.

It will be supported billions of dollars in both public and private funding.

But Indonesia’s environment minister believes her country will need to continue cutting down trees and forests to make way for new roads and developments as the country continues to sprawl.

She says “the massive development of the president’s era must not stop in the name of carbon emissions or in the name of deforestation”

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