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Could vertical faming revolutionise our local food?



Vertical farming is taking root in urban areas, promising to reshape the way we grow and consume food.

With the world’s population steadily increasing, and concerns about environmental sustainability growing, this innovative approach to agriculture could hold the key to a more efficient and localized food landscape.

Growing higher than traditional agriculture

Vertical farming involves growing crops in stacked layers, often indoors, using advanced technology such as LED lighting, hydroponics, and aeroponics.

This method allows for year-round production, eliminates the need for vast expanses of land, and significantly reduces water usage.

Sustainability and being local

One of the most significant advantages of vertical farming is its potential to make food production more sustainable and localized.

By reducing the distance between farms and consumers, it can cut down on transportation emissions and the need for large-scale agriculture.

The big challenge

While vertical farming holds great promise, it also faces challenges and critiques. Critics argue that the initial investment in technology and infrastructure can be prohibitively expensive, limiting access for smaller farmers.

Food security

Vertical farming has the potential to improve food security in densely populated urban areas by providing a consistent supply of fresh produce.

It can also address “food deserts,” where access to fresh, healthy food is limited.

However, equitable access to vertical farming’s benefits is crucial to ensure that it doesn’t exacerbate existing disparities in food access.

Ahron Young is an award winning journalist who has covered major news events around the world. Ahron is the Managing Editor and Founder of TICKER NEWS.

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Is cloud technology the solution for every organisation’s needs?



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