
CNN Reporter Clarissa Ward caught up in aggressive Taliban confrontation



CNN Reporter Clarissa Ward has been caught up in a confrontation with the Taliban

In a filed report, Ward, reporting on the ground in Kabul, states her and her producer had been caught up in an ugly confrontation with Taliban fighters.

Ward has been on the ground since the fall in Kabul, providing America and the rest of the world with an inside look at the Taliban and their agressive takeover.

While filing a report, Ward states that Taliban fighters had been ordering a crowd of people to move, while unlocking his gun and preparing to fire into the crowd.


“Whipping people & firing shots” –

During live crosses with CNN, Ward states that she was screamed at by agitated Taliban fighters who demanded she cover her face.

Her producer was nearly pistol-whipped in the incident, she said.

During a live broadcast from the Kabul airport, Ward – who was wearing a hijab – was confronted by a Taliban with a “huge makeshift whip,” who approached her while “shouting at me to cover my face.”

Ward also stated that other Taliban fighters attempted to pistol-whip her producer for taking a video of the incident.

Ward’s producer escaped harm when another Taliban told the first group to leave them alone because they were journalists and “had permission to film.”

Clarissa Ward has been reporting in Kabul.

“I’ve covered all sorts of crazy situations. This was mayhem. This was nuts,” 

The Taliban have said they would honour women’s rights within the confines of Sharia law.

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