
Who might have to pay to use Twitter?



Twitter Users listen up, Billionaire Elon Musk has hinted some users may be paying to be on Twitter

The world’s richest man is keeping busy by kicking around ideas for potential changes to the social platform

He is now suggesting charging governments and corporations a ‘slight cost’ to use Twitter.

In a tweet, Musk says “Ultimately, the downfall of the Freemasons was giving away their stonecutting services for nothing”

He went on to say that “Twitter will always be free for casual users, but maybe a slight cost for commercial or government users.”

Now as usual with Musk, the words he says aren’t set in stone, he only has tweeted this idea to his almost 91 million twitter followers

This follows reports last month that Musk suggested he might charge media companies to quote or embed tweets.

Making major corporations pay to tweet will be complex, and this all joins the cloud of speculation of changes to the platform once musk officially takes over Twitter

One thing is clear, Musk has ambitious plans because he wants to grow twitters revenue.

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