Embark on a thrilling journey this week with these entertainment recommendations. In a dystopian future America, a team of military-embedded journalists races against time to reach...
As Hollywood celebrities graced the red carpet in early January, a prevailing concern cast a shadow over the glitz and glamour: Hollywood is currently experiencing a...
In a cinematic trio spanning fantasy, espionage, and courtroom drama, “Wish,” “Argylle,” and “Anatomy of a Fall” present diverse storytelling. “Wish” follows young Asha’s magical journey...
Cinema brings thoughtful flicks ahead of awards season Enzo’s Dilemma – Directed by Michael Mann Acclaimed director Michael Mann brings the summer of 1957 to life,...
This holiday season, cinema enthusiasts can look forward to a diverse array of captivating films that promise to add a touch of excitement and wonder. ...
The film’s cast couldn’t engage in film promotion until Wednesday evening when the strike was officially ended following an agreement reached between SAG-AFTRA and the studios....
Warner Bros Discovery, has issued a stark warning regarding the ‘real risk’ that Hollywood faces in the aftermath of the recent strikes that have taken a...
American cinema chain to accept bitcoin as a form of payment for online purchases. AMC Entertainment will soon offer consumers the option to pay using bitcoin...
Movies can be risky investments & failing to break even can sadly see entire studios go under… It’s no secret that over the years we’ve seen...