
Russia’s warships enter the Black Sea as Ukraine crisis intensifies



Russian warships have been seen sailing towards the Black Sea, in a new development in the crisis happening on the border with Ukraine

The Russian warships that have sailed towards the Black Sea have struck alarm among officials from the United States and much of Europe.

Those security officials have continued to warn that the final capabilities for a large-scale assault on Ukraine appeared to be falling into place.

Reports state that on a day of frantic shuttle diplomacy by French President Emmanuel Macron, who hopped among capitals trying to avert a conflict, Russian officials gave little sign that the French leader’s initiatives had changed their calculations.

Heated next few days

Officials from the US and Europe have stated that they were closely watching what unfolds over the next 12 days, eyeing it with increasing concern.

They are fearing that Russian military exercises scheduled to start on Thursday could provide cover for a sudden strike against Ukraine.

Officials also fear that the February 20 conclusion of the Olympic Games in Beijing could clear away a potential diplomatic barrier for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who may fear upstaging Chinese President Xi Jinping.

It was hoped that French President Macron would be able to cool off tensions

Mr Macron had cast himself as the key European interlocutor hopeful he could de-escalate rising tensions between Russia and neighbouring Ukraine.

Macron arrived in Kyiv on Tuesday, prepared to compromise with Ukraine officials to hopefully encourage a diplomatic path forward.

The French President’s arrival into Ukraine followed a meeting he had over dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which he had walked into, hopeful that he could be the mediator between two hot head nations.

According to a statement by the Kremlin, Macron and Putin’s conversation got underway by discussing trade between France and Russia which fell during the pandemic by 15 percent.

Mr Putin acknowledged Macon’s concerns regarding the rise in tensions on the Ukraine border, following Moscow’s heavy troop presence.

But the Russian President remained firm on his stance regarding Ukraine’s alliance with NATO, and according to journalist Denis Kazakiewicz, the meeting failed at its main objectives with the Kremlin more “aggressive” following the dinner.

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