
Protesters smash into the PM’s office in Sri Lanka



The military ordered to do whatever it takes after protesters smash into the PM’s office using a battering ram

There’s been violence in the streets of Sri Lanka as the military tries to restore order following a week of protests in the capital.

The Acting Prime Minister ordered the military to do “whatever is necessary” after protesters stormed his office.

Using a battering ram to smash through the gates of the Prime Minister’s office, protestors showed their fury.

State of emergency

Sri Lanka’s in a state of emergency, as the acting prime minister ordered the military to take back control.

And they came with tear gas.

Some of the protestors handing out food and water to armed soldiers.

It comes a day after the President and his family fled to the Maldives, leading to outrage there for giving him asylum.

Economic crisis

Sri Lanka has been suffering from its worst economic crisis in decades.

Many blame the recent administration for the crisis and see the new acting PM as part of the problem.

And the protestors arent afraid of taking their message directly to them, breaking into the Prime Ministerial compound.

Hoisting their flag from the balcony for the world to see.

Sri Lanka’s military rarely gets involved in politics, and that was clear to see, as armed soldiers stood by.

But Sri Lanka remains gripped by the crisis, as the government struggles to regain control and credibility.

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