
Kremlin admits to call-up mistakes amid Russian outrage



The Kremlin has made the unusual move of acknowledging its made mistakes during the recent call up of 300,000 reservists to fight in Ukraine.

It comes after President Vladimir Putin made the announcement last week, leading to widespread protests across the country.

The Kremlin has admitted that mistakes were made in its recent drive to mobilise Russian army reservists to fight in the conflict in Ukraine.

The admission came amid growing public opposition to the deployment of Russian troops in the country.

In a statement, the Kremlin said that it had “listened to the concerns of Russian citizens” and would take measures to “address the issues that have been raised”.

It is believed that up to 30,000 Russian soldiers have been deployed to Ukraine in recent months, with many of them coming from reserve units.

The strategic mobilisation of reservists is a highly sensitive issue in Russia, and the Kremlin has come under fire for doing so without consulting the public.

Nevertheless, the admission of mistakes is a rare step for the Kremlin, and underscores the level of public opposition to the deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine.

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