
January 6 committee describes efforts to protect VP



The January 6 committee has descried chilling new details at the most recent hearing about the effort to protect then-Vice President Mike Pence as rioters entered the Capitol

In the presentation, part of which you just saw, the committee showed how close Pence was to the mob, noting at one point there was only “40 feet between the Vice President” and the rioters.

At 2:24 pm, the Secret Service had moved Pence from the Senate chamber to his office across the hall… when former President Trump tweeted: QUOTE: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution.”

The committee says “30 seconds later opened the East door just down the hall, and just 30 seconds after that rioters breached the crypt, one floor below the Vice President.”

At 2:26 pm, Secret Service rush Vice President Pence down the stairs… to a secure location.

Following the display of the exhibit, committee member Pete Aguilar added approximately 40 feet was all there was between the Vice President and the mob.

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