
Giving Amazon workers a key to your house is a growing trend in the US



It seems Amazon is tired of ringing doorbells

The online shopping giant is pushing landlords around the United States to give its drivers the ability to unlock apartment-building doors themselves with a mobile device.

Amazon’s “Key for Business” has officially launched

It’s a system that allows its delivery drivers to gain access to apartment buildings without having to be buzzed in.

The tech has already been installed in thousands of buildings across the US.

The company says having a key to your home is a way to reduce package thefts.

Amazon says it would be safe with security measures including driver background checks, one single time-bound access, and confirmation of driver ID, route, location, and time of the request.

Security experts are warning against a different kind of crime: cyber attacks

“Anything can be hacked. It’s just a matter of how sophisticated the hackers are and how much time they have to hack it before vulnerabilities are fixed,”

John Sancenito, president of York-based security consulting company INA.

The concern is that the same solution to alleviate package theft could lead to more significant crimes like burglary if someone is able to get inside a house or business, such as this way.

US Authorities say with or without key, experts also suggest a doorway security camera to monitor who’s coming and going.

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