
Abusive passengers force airline workers to quit



It’s become almost impossible for the airline industry to find new workers, and many are quitting because of abuse from passengers.

Almost immediately as the pandemic hit, airline travel came to a global standstill.

Close to 20 airlines shut down operations or declared bankruptcy.

Labor shortage reached an all-time high, with airlines laying off thousands of employees.

Many others, including pilots, quit due to job insecurity and fear of the pandemic.

Now travel is back with a vengeance, but the industry simply can’t cope.

It’s not just supply and demand. The global aviation industry is in big trouble, teetering on the brink, with high fuel costs and ongoing uncertainty.

So what are the major challenges facing the aviation industry? And what can be done to fix them.

Here are the six major problems:

#1 Lesser available airlines

#2 Labor shortage

#3 Issues in processing times

#4 Low international air travel

#5 Change in airport traffic

#6 Impact on airport revenues

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